The waters have risen, people are homeless, lives have been lost, countless towns and cities are under water and the first thing out of our mouths has to be… Why God? WHY? And Where the heck are You anyway? Don’t you see the flood waters? Don’t you see the people lined up waiting for food, shelter, and medical help? Where are You God?
God is our refuge and strength.
God is...a persevering presence.
God can and will give us strength to persevere, and it is this strength that will allow us to not fear.
But what about New Orleans? What about Mississippi? We still fear for them. Again…we should not fear, rather we should work as the hands and feet of God to help calm their fears and help them…
And when everyone is out of danger...that is when God will need our help the most.
We have to be instruments of God's hope...both today and tomorrow.
But when you’re eligible to donate again…do so.
But when you buy toothbrushes for your family in a couple of months, buy a few extras and send them to a relief organization.
But when your tax refund comes back next spring, send a little more.