Today’s scripture is surely a familiar one. We have been taught the story of Noah’s ark since we were children, and most of us know our own version of it very well. We know that God commanded Noah to build an ark… most of us have sung the song “The Lord Noah…there’s gonna be a floody floody” and we know that Noah did exactly what God told him to do. So…Noah built the ark and loaded up all the critters and also his sons, his wife and his sons wives. See, that’s the part that often gets left out… Noah was not in this alone…
When God calls someone to do something...that person rarely enters the situation alone.
Our gifts have purpose and value.
"I imagine that Naamah’s voice was the reason that there was such peace among the animals during the deluge.... The notes of her song carried the prayers of her family through the dark storm clouds to the heavens above, and they were spared the worst of the roiling waves. She inspired her children, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, to work together with their wives, lightening their burdens and making the time pass more quickly. She soothed her husband when he was overwhelmed by the enormity of his responsibility to those in his care, and indeed, his responsibilities to the future."
She is un-named and unsung.